Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am ok you are ok

Hello .. it is long time.. since I wrote something.. it was itching really.. everyday tried..but could not.

At last something today...

This is all about I am OK ....Fine .... You are Ok ... Mostly ? This is something Thomas Harris propagated as part of transaction analysis. I call it teri sari meri sari se saphed kaise... a famous detergent line.

Transaction state is the state of ego between two when they communicate with each other. Take ego as level or state of mind at that moment. Practically there are three ego states are defined, they are Parent - High, Adult - Normal and Child - Low. As the name suggest, just correlate. SO when you talk to someone what is your state of ego/mind and what is the other person's state of ego/mind is what defines the fate and result of communication. However it also depends on parameters like power position, relationship, environment etc.. at the time of communication.

Just watch your state of mind and you can control the outcome by maneuverering the state of mind.

However life position means what stand one take during the communication also strongly affect the outcome. These life positions are

I am not ok you are Ok - Child thinking - Get away .. leave...
I am not OK you are not ok - Negative position - Get no where .. it will fail
I am ok you are not ok - Rigid position - Get rid - change
I am ok , you are ok ... Normal healthy position- continue

So this positions need to be made up and balanced and always changed.

External stimulus creates the positions, so if you know which position you are , bring to the right one and then start.

So while you transact, you need to watch your position, your ego and take steps towards the successful outcome of transaction.

Try these... you will be benefited....

Today being the Buddha Purnima.. It teaches the I am OK and YOU are OK position and ADULT TO ADULT EGO STATE based transaction like how do you want a king to treat another king....

Thanks and comment on what do you feel....
