Saturday, July 10, 2010

Goal ...


Have you seen any football ground without goal post? .. Imagine what will happen if the goal post is not there....

Answer is very obvious ... players will play ... work hard.. but without any objectives ... endlessly...indefinitely....

Most of us actually have similar situation in life... Have we defined any goals for life.. I mean what do we want to achieve in life... seriously... introspect ...and you will find that you do not have very confirm answer.. one liner..answer...

It is very important that we set a goal at least with a time line in sight. It could be 6 month, 1 year, 3-4 years, 10-15 years perspective whatever suits you....... Your goal should be simple and precise.
Following 7 steps can help you achieve ... try...

1. Objective - write down your goal on a piece of paper. Do not worry... whatever you want to achieve write clearly.
2. Timeline - Put a time line to complete or achieve.
3. Obstacles - Identify the obstacles what could prevent you to achieve ... every thing you believe.. human, training, capability, physical, emotional any thing...
4. Relation - Write down the name of people, group, organisations who either can help , where you can work or network.
5. Plan - Make a plan of action with incorporating all the above.
6. Informations - You make sure you know what you need to know.
7. Benefit- you should know what is the benefit you will achieve once you have met the goal. Stronger sense of achievement will drive you harder.Just follow above and review daily or weekly or even monthly. Visualise your goal every second in your mind....

You will start getting the result...

Please try.... and write back .....


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Golden Egg Technique..

Hello There....

What happen when we encounter with a issue or problem... The common answer is we panic. Reason being that problems brings lot of dark elements with it. Naturally we do not like. Most of the times if they are not attended properly they become chronic... and beyond repair.

Few days back I read a very good technique called golden egg technique. As per this one need to look into problem as an egg with a gold inside. You need to find or search this gold withing the problem itself. Do not get bogged down rather think each of this problem is like an egg with the golden opportunity tugged inside it.

The moment you have problem or issues, break it like an egg and start getting into it. Just write the problem on a piece of paper and write all the ways to handle this problem. Try thinking and write as many as 15-20 solutions. More the solutions, more the easily you will get gold. Select top 5 ways or solution which you believe that it will impact the most.

For all the 5 solutions now find out 20 each ways to implement the solutions. Thus you will get 100 ways to implement the solution. Now share these with many people to get ideas on the ways. Test them and with this exercise you will see that your problem situation will start getting diluted and you will start getting so may ideas, few of which will open up new ways and activities which you might not have thought of. These will bring openness, creativity and optimistic approach out of your problem situation.

These are the hidden gold.. try this....


Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am ok you are ok

Hello .. it is long time.. since I wrote something.. it was itching really.. everyday tried..but could not.

At last something today...

This is all about I am OK ....Fine .... You are Ok ... Mostly ? This is something Thomas Harris propagated as part of transaction analysis. I call it teri sari meri sari se saphed kaise... a famous detergent line.

Transaction state is the state of ego between two when they communicate with each other. Take ego as level or state of mind at that moment. Practically there are three ego states are defined, they are Parent - High, Adult - Normal and Child - Low. As the name suggest, just correlate. SO when you talk to someone what is your state of ego/mind and what is the other person's state of ego/mind is what defines the fate and result of communication. However it also depends on parameters like power position, relationship, environment etc.. at the time of communication.

Just watch your state of mind and you can control the outcome by maneuverering the state of mind.

However life position means what stand one take during the communication also strongly affect the outcome. These life positions are

I am not ok you are Ok - Child thinking - Get away .. leave...
I am not OK you are not ok - Negative position - Get no where .. it will fail
I am ok you are not ok - Rigid position - Get rid - change
I am ok , you are ok ... Normal healthy position- continue

So this positions need to be made up and balanced and always changed.

External stimulus creates the positions, so if you know which position you are , bring to the right one and then start.

So while you transact, you need to watch your position, your ego and take steps towards the successful outcome of transaction.

Try these... you will be benefited....

Today being the Buddha Purnima.. It teaches the I am OK and YOU are OK position and ADULT TO ADULT EGO STATE based transaction like how do you want a king to treat another king....

Thanks and comment on what do you feel....


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fear - Win it..

Fear is the state of mind where one become cautious or nervous of something happening to you which you either want to avoid or do not like or feel scared. Fear is imaginary. It starts in your mind and blocks your thinking. It continuously put you into the situations.

Fear is mostly not real and it is harmless. However fear is the key of control. Imagine you have no fear in office or home or in society, many chaotic situation will arise. Fear also keeps things in order. Legal system, Policing system are all linked to create fear to prevent individual doing wrong acts. So fear is also beneficial.

I am talking about the fear which is in you and stops you to take any action towards the success which you believe you deserve. Once it starts paralyzing your thought, you are stuck. Most of the time we are so engrossed with fear of something happening that we start loosing. It is said that 70% of the fears are baseless. However 30% are positive also. Fears are also good as it drives one towards the actions. Suppose you have no fear of heath, you will become careless.

However do not surrender to fear and confront it. Following steps will help you to identify and overcome your fears..

a. Look into your fear and analyse. Talk to it in your mind.
b. Confront it directly with your reasons with boldness. Mostly it vanishes at this stage.
c. If the fear is real find out how to overcome.
d. Create defense from the real fear though corrective actions.
e. Think positive and do not allow the negativity into your day to day actions.
f. Be honest, pure, healthy and depend on your inner power and god.

Many things in life does not have your control. So leave it. Let it happen.. If you are strong, you will automatically solve it....

So let there is an END of FEAR....


Friday, April 23, 2010

Change Management

In today's world one of he very important phenomenon individuals are encountering is CHANGE. As in Greek it is told that Change is only constant.
We have seen changes are happening around us regularly but are they resulting in any proper outcome or are they bringing the desired result for which the change was brought. Mostly it is seen that the change though was made but not managed properly.
Kotter has devised the 8 steps method for change management. Once it is followed properly it helps achieving the desired outcome. Let me explain you these steps:

1. Create Urgency : This is the first step where the BUY IN need to be created for the purpose of change itself. All the stakeholders, customers, affected persons and organisations must buy the logic of change. Once you create a buy in then create a sense of urgency to bring the necessary changes. Discussions, understanding of change need, risks etc are to be analysed while taking us this step.
2. Form a powerful coalition : The team responsible to bring and execute the change must have the support for most of the affected parties. Senior and influential persons must lent support for the change.
3. Create a vision of change : This is very important. Change is mostly embodied with fear. A clear visibility of the whole need to change, reason to change and the outcome profile should be visible to everyone. This reduces the fear factor and improves the involvement.
4. Communicate the vision : This is very important aspect of change management. While one has prepared the blue print but one has to communicate constantly, interact with people to explain will improves the success rate.
5. Remove obstacles : Change process will go through a very rough patches. Leaders must understand, identify and remove the obstacles constantly. Be it the structure, process, tangible or intangible activities or even the human resources, one need to modify or remove the causes which would be working as blocks.
6. Create short term wins : Very important. Many such short term wins bring the confidence to the process of change. Wins are are to be shared regularly.
7. Built on change : Early wins and mis understanding of results could be a deadly and fatal pitfalls. Every wins must be analysed for it's impact till one understand the change is complete and sustained.
8. Change sustainability : Change management should become the part of organisation culture. Small small many changes brings a much bigger changes in the system.

Ultimately it is important that we create a culture of change process as sustained activities. Humans nature is adverse to accept change easily till he is convinced that it will not affect his sustenance. Change must be with Human face involving human. This will bring the desired result and create many winning propositions for the organisations.

Thanks and please join with your opinions....


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Innovation leaders


Innovation is the key to be the leaders. Most of the world leaders who are successful today are also the best innovator companies. Let's look at the list as been suggested by Bloomberg Business week.
25 most innovative companies -

1 - Apple 2- Google 3- Microsoft 4-IBM 5-Toyota 6- Amazon 7- LG 8-BYD
9- GE 10- Sony 11- Samsung 12-Intel 13- Ford 14-RIM 15-Volkswagen 16- HP 17- Tata 18- BMW 19- Coke 20- Nintendo 21-Walmart 22- Hyundai 23- Nokia 24- Virgin 25 P&G

As you can see, if you want to be leader, you need to be innovative.


Monday, April 19, 2010

CK Prahlad - My Guru

We have lost one of most revered management Guru CK Prahlad. I was strong believer of his ideas and management philosophy. He was revolutionary thinker and has brought a new paradigm to the way businesses are done. I would like to share in brief some of his great works.

a. The core competence of corporation - 1990 : In this work he had strongly advocated the concept of core competence. He stressed that organisations and individual should identify and access their core competence precisely. Then weave a fine and sustainable business and growth strategy around this.

b. Competing for the Future - 1994 : This is around the disposal of old and contemporary thought and ideas. Organisations should promote out of box thinking and pursue the transformational strategy. Give importance to strategy rather execution. It was hit.

c. Future of Competition - 2004 : Here he promoted the idea of concurrent development and growth. Customer is part of business and he should involve in the business and growth strategy as stake holder. If he is part of the process the chances of business successes are very high at very low investment.

d. The fortune at the bottom of Pyramid - 2006 : A breakthrough book involving the third world. He propagated that the larger mass is at the bottom of pyramid. They also have great aspiration and a huge demand group waiting to explode. A right strategy and business model around this will bring great fortune to the organisations.

e. The new age of innovation : 2009 : Innovation is the key is what he promoted for the new age business organisations. He has discussed the various strategies on how to achieve the capabilities which ultimately creates a successful innovation led organisations.

Lastly I have read and heard him talking about sustainability. He believed that this will be the challenge of tomorrow. Once you have grown big, how will you sustain the rate of growth. This will drive the pressure from inside for adopting out of box, disruptive innovations. It will drive the organisations to relearn and redo. and that is how another creative cycle will start.

He never believed on the contemporary, old, conservative systems. He believed that enough headroom will get created once you start adopting the BIG and out of box, innovation driven thinking. Once this bigness is set as goal then analyse what is required to match and the run to get it. This will always result in better result than the plan, execute, check cycle of thought.

My regards and homage to the great soul and guru....


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Customer is king...


I want to start my first blog on Customer. Customer is the key element of any business. He is the reason for business. Organisations which concentrate on customer as key to their success are the organisations which survives the up and downs of business cycle. Customer facing strategy helps to understand the details of contact changes which are occurring rapidly. One need to focus on the following to check if are we on the track:

a. How many times in a week one meet his customer personally? Customer is like coach. His needs and requirements could be the industry trends. He creates the canvass of business domain. He also judges the performance of the organisation. If he is happy. Be sure you will sustain.

b. How empathetic you are to your customer? The moment one is in customer's shoe, you will position a positive attitude. Most of the time the needs could be either not possible to fulfill and one need to discover or innovate. Thus a creative cycle starts which translates into either the futuristic products/solution or recreate a new recipe.

c. Are you able to the guide to your customer ? Consulting to customer brings another new dimension to what you or your customer thinks. If by your business thought, customer's business cycle or productivity is improving then value adding proposition of yours extend you to your customers domain along with your customer.

d. Are you visible whenever your customer need you? This is a very important criteria for one to be sticky to your customer. At least even one's non physical or virtual company during his need hour gives a trustworthy relationship for you. It is observed that word of mouth for such trust has brought manifold growth for the business prospects.

e. Lastly how fast are you to match the expectation of your customer ? Speed is seen as differentiator for business. Many business have seen success by mere fast compliance to need at different stage of business cycle. This is one tool which will always add value.

I have seen these simple facts been practised by generation old businessman in the country. I have seen it working and been successful.

Wat do you feel, please share.

Best wishes,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 the new world..


This is a new begining today.. Today being the New Year ( Bengali).. Over past few month i had an itch to write and share...

Today I find it convenient to start the journey of sharing the knowledge...

Thanks to the electonic media..

Very soon I will post my first blog on ideas..innovations.. issues...

I welcome all...
