Friday, April 23, 2010

Change Management

In today's world one of he very important phenomenon individuals are encountering is CHANGE. As in Greek it is told that Change is only constant.
We have seen changes are happening around us regularly but are they resulting in any proper outcome or are they bringing the desired result for which the change was brought. Mostly it is seen that the change though was made but not managed properly.
Kotter has devised the 8 steps method for change management. Once it is followed properly it helps achieving the desired outcome. Let me explain you these steps:

1. Create Urgency : This is the first step where the BUY IN need to be created for the purpose of change itself. All the stakeholders, customers, affected persons and organisations must buy the logic of change. Once you create a buy in then create a sense of urgency to bring the necessary changes. Discussions, understanding of change need, risks etc are to be analysed while taking us this step.
2. Form a powerful coalition : The team responsible to bring and execute the change must have the support for most of the affected parties. Senior and influential persons must lent support for the change.
3. Create a vision of change : This is very important. Change is mostly embodied with fear. A clear visibility of the whole need to change, reason to change and the outcome profile should be visible to everyone. This reduces the fear factor and improves the involvement.
4. Communicate the vision : This is very important aspect of change management. While one has prepared the blue print but one has to communicate constantly, interact with people to explain will improves the success rate.
5. Remove obstacles : Change process will go through a very rough patches. Leaders must understand, identify and remove the obstacles constantly. Be it the structure, process, tangible or intangible activities or even the human resources, one need to modify or remove the causes which would be working as blocks.
6. Create short term wins : Very important. Many such short term wins bring the confidence to the process of change. Wins are are to be shared regularly.
7. Built on change : Early wins and mis understanding of results could be a deadly and fatal pitfalls. Every wins must be analysed for it's impact till one understand the change is complete and sustained.
8. Change sustainability : Change management should become the part of organisation culture. Small small many changes brings a much bigger changes in the system.

Ultimately it is important that we create a culture of change process as sustained activities. Humans nature is adverse to accept change easily till he is convinced that it will not affect his sustenance. Change must be with Human face involving human. This will bring the desired result and create many winning propositions for the organisations.

Thanks and please join with your opinions....


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