Fear is mostly not real and it is harmless. However fear is the key of control. Imagine you have no fear in office or home or in society, many chaotic situation will arise. Fear also keeps things in order. Legal system, Policing system are all linked to create fear to prevent individual doing wrong acts. So fear is also beneficial.
I am talking about the fear which is in you and stops you to take any action towards the success which you believe you deserve. Once it starts paralyzing your thought, you are stuck. Most of the time we are so engrossed with fear of something happening that we start loosing. It is said that 70% of the fears are baseless. However 30% are positive also. Fears are also good as it drives one towards the actions. Suppose you have no fear of heath, you will become careless.
However do not surrender to fear and confront it. Following steps will help you to identify and overcome your fears..
a. Look into your fear and analyse. Talk to it in your mind.
b. Confront it directly with your reasons with boldness. Mostly it vanishes at this stage.
c. If the fear is real find out how to overcome.
d. Create defense from the real fear though corrective actions.
e. Think positive and do not allow the negativity into your day to day actions.
f. Be honest, pure, healthy and depend on your inner power and god.
Many things in life does not have your control. So leave it. Let it happen.. If you are strong, you will automatically solve it....
So let there is an END of FEAR....
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